Sunday, October 25, 2015

International Human Rights Petition filed re: Corrupt USA Courts - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (OAS)

USA "civil" death penalty and lifetime police arrest threats against speech/expression under Human rights attack.

 I have filed a petition with the Organization of American States,  IACHR (including a request for precautionary measures under Article 25).  

Petition  filed and docketed at the IACHR (OAS) # P-1640-15 (links to death threats are included therein). It involves lifetime police arrest threats targeting free speech/expression on the internet and elsewhere and enjoining a murder plot .  

Details of the case are located here including death threats and lifetime perpetual police threats targeting free speech/expression,

and here (Motion for rehearing en banc U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals - NYC)

All domestic redress has been exhausted.  The police use of lifetime perpetual arrest threats issued under the color of state laws such as harassment and stalking is at epidemic levels throughout the U.S..  The death threats and associated murder plot speaks for itself.  

Request for IACHR Article 25 precautionary measures here,

The trial judge in the matter found that the case involved crimes against Scott Huminski as he concurrently dismissed the case.  I was seeking to civilly enjoin the death threats, the associated assignation plot and the lifetime arrest threats targeting core protected political speech.

Thank you. -- scott huminski